»A good meal inspires good design and attracts smiles. Cooking and eating together with designing products for everyday life are my passion. It is all about exploring and enjoying.


I work with the design process from concept to realization, from strategic issues to manufacturing challenges. My portfolio includes everyday products and textiles for home and public spaces. The common denominator is a balance between visual, tactile and functional elements.


Since founding my own studio in Gothenburg 1997 I have collaborated with some of Sweden´s leading design companies, creating well-known products, mainly within kitchenware and household utensils.»


School of Design and Crafts at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden MFA Royal Collage in London, UK.

ann-carin wiktorsson


Ann-Carin Wiktorsson Produktdesign
Plan 3 Järntorgsgatan 12-14
SE-413 01 Gothenburg, Sweden



+46(0)70-831 20 00